Warming your Medical Spaces with Wood

“Wood is universally beautiful to man. It is the most humanly intimate of all materials.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Wood is an incredibly versatile material. It can be made into a lot of useful things and as a building material, it can lend its natural quality and parlay it into personable qualities for your Medical interiors. Today we list down the ways and benefits wood can be incorporated into your Medical space from select applications taken from Simour Design projects. Are you ready to find out ways to transform your spaces with wood? Let’s begin!

  1. Bring nature in.

    Biophilic design and its push to harness nature to benefit the interior experience is not just a passing trend, it’s here to stay. For medical interiors, bringing nature improves patient outcomes and rejuvenates towards faster healing. Wood as a natural element brings in that natural feeling into any interiors and its organic visuals foil the traditional antiseptic looking healthcare interiors.

    For a truly bold statement, try incorporating wood in large swathes as covering of entire wall panels. They make a relaxing sight over a stark blank wall. If you’re so inclined, why not consider wood flooring as well even just for your reception areas or maybe tiles that mimic wood and its grains as an alternative. It’s visually softer and richer looking than a homogenous floor cover. Wood in larger architectural applications like the walls or floors reinforce the feeling of nature within a space.

  2. Wood for warmth.

    The most known character wood can give any interiors is warmth. The feeling of intimacy and coziness can be heightened with the expansive use of wood. Even in modern designed interiors, wood can lend that softness that can set a comfortable mood for healthcare space. A large lounge carpeted in light wood sets off the bright orange accent walls and the plush seating to soften the space for relaxation.

  3. Nice to touch.

    The feel of wood has a certain richness that allows it to age beautifully. Well-made furniture made from wood like desks like the one pictured above is not just nice to look at but is actually a joy to work on. When choosing key furniture for your office, consider a well-crafted piece made from wood. In a plain space, furniture made from a natural material can provide that needed contrast it requires.

  4. Elevate your cabinetry.

    Often overlooked, cabinetry can be a venue for some interior drama. Consider a playful pattern like the ash in a herringbone pattern pictured above going well against the blues of the walls. Thoughtful design can result in some unique uses of wood for cladding treatments and the variety of wood now available can exponentially multiple the iterations you can make.

Wood is incredibly versatile with the capacity to elevate your Medical space. It lets you bring nature in, soften the cold medical environment, and produce a better looking medical interior overall. Consider the ways we listed to how you can integrate wood into your own circumstances. Does your medical office need a bit of a makeover? Contact us at (310) 359 1200 or drop a consultation request here. We wish you much success on your journey to a warm and inviting Medical space.

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